The Servant Leader Speaks
S. Ali McIntosh, Founder /Servant Leader
BCP 21st Anniversary Address with S. Ali McIntosh - May 24th 2020
BCP Servant Leader Calls for the Gatekeepers to Arise - February 14th 2020
A New Year's National Address by S. Ali McIntosh - 2020
The BCP Beginnings and Divine Mandate
This is a video you must watch before 'Marking Your X' on Bahamian Election Day May 1oth 2017. Share it with family and friends, and hear what God has to say about what he wants from Bahamians in this election. This may be the last chance you have to save your nation. The Bahamas' last chance to respond.
N.B. The most solemn and informative 53 minutes you will need before May 10th.
An hour-long Interview with Ali McIntosh, the Founder & Chief Servant Leader of the BCP, during a visit to Grand Bahama on April 4th 2017. This is Part 1 of 3. Interviewer is Cornelius McKinney of Galaxy Productions. You can also go online and subscribe the BCP Utube Channel - Bahamas Constitution Party.
The 2nd part of an Interview with Ali McIntosh, the Founder & Chief Servant Leader of the BCP, during a visit to Grand Bahama on April 4th 2017. Part 2 of 3
Leader Statement on October 13th on Hurricane Relief and Propose Legislation - October 18th
BCP Press Statement on Hurricane Efforts & the Release of Draft Legislation - October 13th 2016
By S. Ali McIntosh, Servant Leader, Bahamas Constitution Party
Today, I am making this communication to the nation with some trepidations, in the midst of the initial recovery and rebuilding from devastation left in the wake and passage of the dangerous Hurricane last week.
I wish to convey my kindest regards of concern, to those who have experienced significant damage, and some complete loss of property during this disaster. Yet, I am filled with more gratitude that once again, the Almighty God, the architect of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, has spared the nation the loss of any life during such life-threatening circumstances. I thank God for this miraculous act.
While our neighbors to the south of us in Haiti, Jamaica and Barbados, and in the United States, have experienced significant damages and loss of life; we were spared once again, despite the most horrific storm to hit New Providence in our lifetime.
The government must be commended for its swift action. And commendations goes to agencies like the NEMA, the RBPF, the RBDF, the Meteorological Office and other government agencies, including Department of Social Services and all Community organizations and Churches. All of their actions were heroic. While some risked their lives to rescue persons, to mitigate the loss of life, and to evacuate persons to safety; others were part of the machinery to make available their sanctuaries as Shelters across the Bahamas, to provide adequate temporary living space in a timely fashion. I wish to convey my personal thanks to them for their service to nation above self.
Despite our differences, the Bahamian people waiver these prejudices, to minister to each other during this temporary call to action when jeopardy threatened our very existence.
It is my continued prayer and that of my colleagues in the Bahamas Constitution Party, that the nation is indeed ready to heed the call, after such a significant tragic event, to a continued national commitment to self-discipline and Love for each other on a consistent basis; to preserve our freedom and sovereignty, whenever called upon in every opportunity or circumstances.
The Bahamas Constitution Party has made a commitment to assist in the efforts going forward, in our various constituencies, where our candidates are already active, and across the country with whatever resources we can garner. In addition to that effort, prior to the onset of Matthew onto New Providence last week, I made a pre-emptive action, and had activated my personal and family charity organization, (Ali McIntosh Children Charities & Hope House ), through our friends, family and other sources living abroad, to begin the canvass and garner of supplies for Hurricane relief; for assistance to our Bahamian brothers and sisters affected by Hurricane Matthew. These supplies will be made available over the coming weeks and months, as we have these items shipped to the Bahamas from various locations in the United States.
Release of Draft Legislation
However, my communication today is but a practical and pragmatic approach to solving a national concern, that may cause a Constitutional situation, and breach in the next few weeks and months.
I wish to recommend and present today a copy of a Draft Legislation, that if considered by the Parliament of the Bahamas within the next few weeks, may ease the burden of the Constitutional concerns looming, regarding matters that will affect the upcoming General Elections.
The draft Legislation attached, will be made available over the course of the next seven (7) days by the BCP leadership, to all members of Parliament, and the Parliamentary leadership on both sides of the political divide, for their consideration of placing on the table of the House of Assembly, for debate and passage into law, at their earliest opportunity.
See - The Attached Legislation / Short Titles - Press To See Draft
A Bill for An Act for the Mandatory Registration of Voters 2016; or
A Bill for an Act to Amend the Parliamentary Registration Act 1992;
The Purpose and Mandate for this Emergency Legislation is included in the introduction of the Draft Legislation, and articulates the reason that the Bahamas Constitution Party (BCP) has agreed to bring it forward; as an urgent request for Legislative action; to prevent and mitigate against a Constitutional crisis, that looms before the nation.
This Constitutional Crisis of which I refers, concern Articles 69 & 70, of the Constitution, and other related Legislations; that necessitates the appointment and Procedure for Review of the Constituencies Commission, otherwise known as the Boundaries Commission; and the completion of a Registrar of Voters.
As of September 1st, when the BCP paid a Courtesy Call on the Parliamentary Commissioner, Mr. Sherlyn Hall; he had indicated to us, that little over fifty thousand (50,000) Bahamians had registered on the new Registrar of Voters for the 2017 General Elections. This would be far below the expected quoto, registered by this time in the General Election process.
However, there are many legitimate and certainly some, seemingly frivolous reasons, why Bahamians have not, and are not presently registering to vote, at an acceptable rate, for the constitutional process regarding 2017 General Election.
Many have expressed these specific concerns:-
Therefore, a solution that is deemed in the Public’s Interests; to facilitate a Legitimate and Constitutional mandated elections by May 7th 2017; is what makes this emergency legislation plausible and necessary.
Notwithstanding the Mandatory and Compulsory connotations outlined in this draft Legislation; there is nothing that will infringe or breach the Constitutional and Fundamental rights of any Bahamian, outlined in Articles 16-27 of the Bahamas Independence Order 1973, and related legislation.
Therefore, as we present this suggestion, and recommendation to the nation; we extend our urgent plea to the leaders of this Parliamentary session to consider the placement of this bill before the House of Assembly and Senate for urgent consideration and passage; that shall mitigate against the concerns of some political persons and ordinary citizens regarding the constitutional mandate, regarding the time of the upcoming General Elections mandated for no later than May 2017.
By S. Ali McIntosh, Servant Leader, Bahamas Constitution Party
Today, I am making this communication to the nation with some trepidations, in the midst of the initial recovery and rebuilding from devastation left in the wake and passage of the dangerous Hurricane last week.
I wish to convey my kindest regards of concern, to those who have experienced significant damage, and some complete loss of property during this disaster. Yet, I am filled with more gratitude that once again, the Almighty God, the architect of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, has spared the nation the loss of any life during such life-threatening circumstances. I thank God for this miraculous act.
While our neighbors to the south of us in Haiti, Jamaica and Barbados, and in the United States, have experienced significant damages and loss of life; we were spared once again, despite the most horrific storm to hit New Providence in our lifetime.
The government must be commended for its swift action. And commendations goes to agencies like the NEMA, the RBPF, the RBDF, the Meteorological Office and other government agencies, including Department of Social Services and all Community organizations and Churches. All of their actions were heroic. While some risked their lives to rescue persons, to mitigate the loss of life, and to evacuate persons to safety; others were part of the machinery to make available their sanctuaries as Shelters across the Bahamas, to provide adequate temporary living space in a timely fashion. I wish to convey my personal thanks to them for their service to nation above self.
Despite our differences, the Bahamian people waiver these prejudices, to minister to each other during this temporary call to action when jeopardy threatened our very existence.
It is my continued prayer and that of my colleagues in the Bahamas Constitution Party, that the nation is indeed ready to heed the call, after such a significant tragic event, to a continued national commitment to self-discipline and Love for each other on a consistent basis; to preserve our freedom and sovereignty, whenever called upon in every opportunity or circumstances.
The Bahamas Constitution Party has made a commitment to assist in the efforts going forward, in our various constituencies, where our candidates are already active, and across the country with whatever resources we can garner. In addition to that effort, prior to the onset of Matthew onto New Providence last week, I made a pre-emptive action, and had activated my personal and family charity organization, (Ali McIntosh Children Charities & Hope House ), through our friends, family and other sources living abroad, to begin the canvass and garner of supplies for Hurricane relief; for assistance to our Bahamian brothers and sisters affected by Hurricane Matthew. These supplies will be made available over the coming weeks and months, as we have these items shipped to the Bahamas from various locations in the United States.
Release of Draft Legislation
However, my communication today is but a practical and pragmatic approach to solving a national concern, that may cause a Constitutional situation, and breach in the next few weeks and months.
I wish to recommend and present today a copy of a Draft Legislation, that if considered by the Parliament of the Bahamas within the next few weeks, may ease the burden of the Constitutional concerns looming, regarding matters that will affect the upcoming General Elections.
The draft Legislation attached, will be made available over the course of the next seven (7) days by the BCP leadership, to all members of Parliament, and the Parliamentary leadership on both sides of the political divide, for their consideration of placing on the table of the House of Assembly, for debate and passage into law, at their earliest opportunity.
See - The Attached Legislation / Short Titles - Press To See Draft
A Bill for An Act for the Mandatory Registration of Voters 2016; or
A Bill for an Act to Amend the Parliamentary Registration Act 1992;
The Purpose and Mandate for this Emergency Legislation is included in the introduction of the Draft Legislation, and articulates the reason that the Bahamas Constitution Party (BCP) has agreed to bring it forward; as an urgent request for Legislative action; to prevent and mitigate against a Constitutional crisis, that looms before the nation.
This Constitutional Crisis of which I refers, concern Articles 69 & 70, of the Constitution, and other related Legislations; that necessitates the appointment and Procedure for Review of the Constituencies Commission, otherwise known as the Boundaries Commission; and the completion of a Registrar of Voters.
As of September 1st, when the BCP paid a Courtesy Call on the Parliamentary Commissioner, Mr. Sherlyn Hall; he had indicated to us, that little over fifty thousand (50,000) Bahamians had registered on the new Registrar of Voters for the 2017 General Elections. This would be far below the expected quoto, registered by this time in the General Election process.
However, there are many legitimate and certainly some, seemingly frivolous reasons, why Bahamians have not, and are not presently registering to vote, at an acceptable rate, for the constitutional process regarding 2017 General Election.
Many have expressed these specific concerns:-
- Personal Identification and requirements are unachievable;
- Bureaucracy during registration at some outposts seems burdensome
- The time, and cost to acquire a passport seems a burdensome barrier.
- Some simply do not want to vote, and other are confused and feel disenfranchised.
Therefore, a solution that is deemed in the Public’s Interests; to facilitate a Legitimate and Constitutional mandated elections by May 7th 2017; is what makes this emergency legislation plausible and necessary.
Notwithstanding the Mandatory and Compulsory connotations outlined in this draft Legislation; there is nothing that will infringe or breach the Constitutional and Fundamental rights of any Bahamian, outlined in Articles 16-27 of the Bahamas Independence Order 1973, and related legislation.
Therefore, as we present this suggestion, and recommendation to the nation; we extend our urgent plea to the leaders of this Parliamentary session to consider the placement of this bill before the House of Assembly and Senate for urgent consideration and passage; that shall mitigate against the concerns of some political persons and ordinary citizens regarding the constitutional mandate, regarding the time of the upcoming General Elections mandated for no later than May 2017.
BCP Weekly National Address August 8th 2016 by S. Ali McIntosh, Servant Leader
Servant Leadership - To Lead & Serve Means To Sacrifice
My fellow Bahamians, Blessings and favour for a new beginning on this 8th day of August 2016. by its very numerical value, this date suggests that we go forward, towards a new beginning, as we see the value of new hope, fresh promise; with a transformative new movement of the people for change in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
The most sacred honour of being called to serve the Bahamian people with my gifts, talents and sacrifice over the past thirty years; has become the most meaningful and purposeful thing I could have done with my young life.
The concept of Servant leadership of which the BCP have espoused these last 18 years, has brought front and centre, the need for persons who are called to leadership in the nation, to recognized that, the primary objective and focus is the people that we are called to minister to, and serve on behalf of.
My brothers & Sisters, As your Servant Leader, I wish to invite you the Bahamian people to consider your own plight and responsibility in encouraging servant leadership, and seek to identify persons who will Lead you and Serve you at the same time. And not just persons who intentions, or former service in government is about their empowerment, and not yours.
The Preamble of the Constitution identifies the values necessary for Servant leadership, of which Self-discipline is the first and paramount core values. The Commitment to and service by those core values, of Industry, Loyalty, Unity and an abiding respect for Christian Vaules and the Rule of Law; helps to establish that they who come to public life has these enshrined as both their philosophy and their mode of service. It is considered Righteous governance.
It is what the founding fathers, fought for since the 1950’s to make certain that every single Bahamian can be empowered, and live as free and prosperous people in the land of their birth.
This kind of empowerment can be yours, as you consider what you shall do when asked at the next possible occasion to elect a new Government. It must be You the people, who decide what is best for you….and for your children and for your future; for the betterment of all the Bahamian people.
Having been introduced to governance since 1986, I am keenly aware, that what the people want, and what they really need, and two different things, yet they are intertwined. However, those who govern the people, are given the task of being good stewards, to provide faithful and accountable management of the resources entrusted to the nation.
If we as leaders must provide bold, visionary and accountable leadership to the next generation, then we ourselves must exhibit that kind of dedication and sacrifice to which we espouse to. The idea of transformational leadership speaks not only in word, but indeed, regarding both the organization and the leader. This must be a concise and an unwavering life of service to people’s empowerment.
Since Independence in 1973, the Bahamian people have seen numerous changes in their growth, and lifestyle. From poverty and illiteracy, to middle class status with college and university education.
However, without the use and development of the Natural resources given to the nation, the country could have only been taken to a certain level before, they reached stagnation. This is why, over the past decade and a half, our decline had began, and now has both the nation and the people plummeting into debt and despair.
The national debt has soared to heights unimaginable; while the Gross Domestic Product has not. The taxation on the backs of citizens are astronomical; Coupled with the reduction of income of the majority of households, have the ordinary Bahamian staggering to meet personal commitments, and put food on the table for their families. This condition of Bahamians is indicative of the stewardship of leaders of the nation over the past two decades.
Successive governments, since Independence has intentionally shirk their responsibility to truly advance the course of the true empowerment of the Bahamian people. Despite the opportunity to advance the discussion about the Exploitation and management of the country’s natural resources, both governments, has consistently moved the national budget debate around constant burrowing and high taxes, rather than nationalizing our natural resources to the benefit of the masses.
Successive governments has continued to provide Tax-Free zones around the production of Salt, and the mining of Aragonite and Calcium Carbonate. And Even now, the Industry of Fly Fishing in the Bahamas, a billion dollar Industry, is now being mobilized more for the benefit for the rich and foreign, rather than being facilitated for the benefit of Bahamians, whose land and sea this is. I am not suggesting that there should not be any foreign ownership in our Natural resources a Trillion dollar industry, instead, that Joint ventures and equal sharing of our natural resources, should be facilitated to also empower the ordinary Bahamian.
It should not be that Bahamian children can go to bed hungry every night, or that Bahamian children go with inadequate education, and substandard health care, while foreigners benefits to the tone of billions of dollar on our natural resources. It should not be, that while the National Debt is soaring, and Bahamians has to bear the brunt of Value Added Tax, high Custom Duties and Real Property Taxes to pay it; while foreign corporate citizens are given Tax Free amenities, and tax exempt status, and huge concessions.
My fellow Bahamians, So when we talk about Servant and transformational leadership, it will not come from persons who have been a part of the system to denied the masses their rights and entitlement to empowerment.
All I am asking for is FAIRNESS and JUSTICE for the ordinary Bahamian. And that those who seek to lead, and govern, do what is right for the Bahamian people.
Certainly, you the People Have a Choice, but God has a plan for this great little country called the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. And The Bahamas Constitution Party leads that mandate for that new Hope for Our Bahamaland for all the People. You can contact us at or email or call 242-423-2709. May God continue to Bless and Keep Safe the People and the Islands of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
Servant Leadership - To Lead & Serve Means To Sacrifice
My fellow Bahamians, Blessings and favour for a new beginning on this 8th day of August 2016. by its very numerical value, this date suggests that we go forward, towards a new beginning, as we see the value of new hope, fresh promise; with a transformative new movement of the people for change in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
The most sacred honour of being called to serve the Bahamian people with my gifts, talents and sacrifice over the past thirty years; has become the most meaningful and purposeful thing I could have done with my young life.
The concept of Servant leadership of which the BCP have espoused these last 18 years, has brought front and centre, the need for persons who are called to leadership in the nation, to recognized that, the primary objective and focus is the people that we are called to minister to, and serve on behalf of.
My brothers & Sisters, As your Servant Leader, I wish to invite you the Bahamian people to consider your own plight and responsibility in encouraging servant leadership, and seek to identify persons who will Lead you and Serve you at the same time. And not just persons who intentions, or former service in government is about their empowerment, and not yours.
The Preamble of the Constitution identifies the values necessary for Servant leadership, of which Self-discipline is the first and paramount core values. The Commitment to and service by those core values, of Industry, Loyalty, Unity and an abiding respect for Christian Vaules and the Rule of Law; helps to establish that they who come to public life has these enshrined as both their philosophy and their mode of service. It is considered Righteous governance.
It is what the founding fathers, fought for since the 1950’s to make certain that every single Bahamian can be empowered, and live as free and prosperous people in the land of their birth.
This kind of empowerment can be yours, as you consider what you shall do when asked at the next possible occasion to elect a new Government. It must be You the people, who decide what is best for you….and for your children and for your future; for the betterment of all the Bahamian people.
Having been introduced to governance since 1986, I am keenly aware, that what the people want, and what they really need, and two different things, yet they are intertwined. However, those who govern the people, are given the task of being good stewards, to provide faithful and accountable management of the resources entrusted to the nation.
If we as leaders must provide bold, visionary and accountable leadership to the next generation, then we ourselves must exhibit that kind of dedication and sacrifice to which we espouse to. The idea of transformational leadership speaks not only in word, but indeed, regarding both the organization and the leader. This must be a concise and an unwavering life of service to people’s empowerment.
Since Independence in 1973, the Bahamian people have seen numerous changes in their growth, and lifestyle. From poverty and illiteracy, to middle class status with college and university education.
However, without the use and development of the Natural resources given to the nation, the country could have only been taken to a certain level before, they reached stagnation. This is why, over the past decade and a half, our decline had began, and now has both the nation and the people plummeting into debt and despair.
The national debt has soared to heights unimaginable; while the Gross Domestic Product has not. The taxation on the backs of citizens are astronomical; Coupled with the reduction of income of the majority of households, have the ordinary Bahamian staggering to meet personal commitments, and put food on the table for their families. This condition of Bahamians is indicative of the stewardship of leaders of the nation over the past two decades.
Successive governments, since Independence has intentionally shirk their responsibility to truly advance the course of the true empowerment of the Bahamian people. Despite the opportunity to advance the discussion about the Exploitation and management of the country’s natural resources, both governments, has consistently moved the national budget debate around constant burrowing and high taxes, rather than nationalizing our natural resources to the benefit of the masses.
Successive governments has continued to provide Tax-Free zones around the production of Salt, and the mining of Aragonite and Calcium Carbonate. And Even now, the Industry of Fly Fishing in the Bahamas, a billion dollar Industry, is now being mobilized more for the benefit for the rich and foreign, rather than being facilitated for the benefit of Bahamians, whose land and sea this is. I am not suggesting that there should not be any foreign ownership in our Natural resources a Trillion dollar industry, instead, that Joint ventures and equal sharing of our natural resources, should be facilitated to also empower the ordinary Bahamian.
It should not be that Bahamian children can go to bed hungry every night, or that Bahamian children go with inadequate education, and substandard health care, while foreigners benefits to the tone of billions of dollar on our natural resources. It should not be, that while the National Debt is soaring, and Bahamians has to bear the brunt of Value Added Tax, high Custom Duties and Real Property Taxes to pay it; while foreign corporate citizens are given Tax Free amenities, and tax exempt status, and huge concessions.
My fellow Bahamians, So when we talk about Servant and transformational leadership, it will not come from persons who have been a part of the system to denied the masses their rights and entitlement to empowerment.
All I am asking for is FAIRNESS and JUSTICE for the ordinary Bahamian. And that those who seek to lead, and govern, do what is right for the Bahamian people.
Certainly, you the People Have a Choice, but God has a plan for this great little country called the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. And The Bahamas Constitution Party leads that mandate for that new Hope for Our Bahamaland for all the People. You can contact us at or email or call 242-423-2709. May God continue to Bless and Keep Safe the People and the Islands of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
BCP Weekly National Address July 27th 2016 by S. Ali McIntosh, Servant Leader
A Call for Unity Among the Smaller Political Parties...
My Fellow Bahamians, I bring righteous greetings, as I address you this final week in the month of July.
I awoke this morning with the nation on my mind. And with the thought of two ancient stories - ‘ Nero Fiddles while Rome burns, and ‘ The Emperor has no Clothes.’
For those who are familiar with the tales, ( and for those who are not, I suggests that you google them); I am sure you will agree, that these narratives depict our country’s most immediate dilemma.
This week the official Opposition commences, a most fiercest battle for the leadership of the FNM. Despite the rhetoric, they stands at a juncture, regarding what leadership will bring unity in the party. However you view the details, they are clearly between a Rock and a Hard Place.
In the meantime, the leadership of the PLP is crumbling at its base, having lost the Moral authority to govern the nation; while its leader, refuses to acknowledge that he is walking naked without clothes, attempting to feel relevant, long after his mandate for governance has vanished.
Comparable to the time of ancient Rome, it is not only Nero who fiddles while Rome Burns; it is our whole Bahamian nation, who in drunken slumber, continuously chat and talk about change but refuses to get up and do something about it.
It is imperative, that as the nation faces this crisis in the transition of leadership, those of us who call ourselves Nationalists, must unite and arise to the challenge to bring Unity and Focus to the mandate for the salvation of the Bahamaland. Thus, United we will stand, and Divided we will Fall.’
We must not continue to fiddle with what we call democracy, dividing the field and creating new political parties, focusing on personal agendas and alter egos; while we give power to the delusional and the corrupted establishment to continue its stronghold over our lives and our children’s future.
My fellow Bahamians, It is the will of God, It is the work of God to fight Tyranny in all its forms. Whether it is the corruption of this Christie administration, or the economic enslavement of the Oligarchy – the Ruling Merchant Elite, who share the benefits of our natural resources, only among themselves, their heirs, their family and friends.
We must arise, to defend our children and our future, in order to secure economic empowerment and prosperity for all Bahamians, whether they are black or white.
In this regard to this disparity, I wish to refer to the United States Declaration of Independence, which states, that
“To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.”
Consequently, like in a game of Chess, It Is the People’s time to Play… It is the People’s Move. It should only be about the People’s agenda. Certainly, the people have a choice in this whole sorted drama, But God has a Plan, for this our Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
Therefore, I call upon you from Abaco and Grand Bahama in the North, to Inagua and Mayaguana in the south, to Awake from your Sleep! And Arise from Your Slumber….
Get up children, don’t be weary! For Now Is Your Salvation Nearer than when you first believe. It is the birth of the New Bahamas …
My brothers and Sisters…. We invite all aspiring leaders and nationalists to let us put our heads together; put our ideas together, our resources and our personnel together, to join forces to bring a Righteous Agenda – Fighting for the Salvation of the Nation. You must make yourself ready to Serve with Humility…And Lead with Integrity! And live with Honour!
However, you look at it…we are in transition. However you consider it…. We must change our weapons. Because the weapons that kept the Bahamas before, will not work into the future…. It is time for New Weapons…New Leaders…New strategies to take the Bahamas in a new direction.
My Fellow Bahamians, I am Ali McIntosh, your Chief Servant
And I wish to affirm that of The Bahamas Constitution Party have been given the Mandate to Save the Commonwealth of the Bahamas……
We have the proven track record of consistent Integrity and sound philosophy based on constitutional ideals, to show the people the part to good governance and righteous leadership.
Yet, we continue to fight together in this movement of the People, for the people; by the People; Educating and Empowering the people.
I encourage you to be assured of this one undeniable hope, that ‘Righteousness Still Exalts a Nation…. And When the Righteous is in Authority, the People will Rejoice.
The Bahamas Constitution Party is Hope for Bahamaland with the Bahamian people as our Priority, and their prosperity as our Mandate . May God Bless and Keep Safe the Common wealth of the Bahamas.
The People's Republic of China's strategic touristic investments in The Baha-Mar Resorts on Cable Beach & The Pointe on Bay Street; and the mass impending residency of hundreds of China's citizens, will bring the Bahamas' economy and government to its knees. The ability of Bahamian businesses to stave off competition by hundreds of businesses by corporate Chinese citizens with millions of dollars; will cause the deterioration of the small investments of many Bahamian business persons.
If this deal by the Christie administration and the China EXIM Bank and China Construction America materializes, as we fear it will shortly, the people of the Bahamas can expect 'Hard Times' and 'Oppression'. While some jobs may be available by the Chinese businesses; the Chinese 'Human Rights ' records does not speak well to Labour relations.
Once this deal is formalized, Bahamians will have to begin to readjust their thinking to absorb more changes, cultural imposition, and re-socialization than they imagined possible.
In addition, The Bahamas could see the development of the following going forward:-
2. The overcrowding of the Bahamian society with the aggression of Chinese cultures.
3. The cross-pollination of the next generation of Bahamians - mixed breeding with Bahamians en masse to facilitate a part Asian population.
4. The demoralization of the Bahamian worker.
5. The demoralization of the Bahamian men.
6. Make fatherless children when foreign men are to return to China and leave children with Bahamian women behind;
7. Create an immigration nightmare to issue ‘residential status’ to many Chinese fathers and husbands, to accommodate the parenting of Bahamian children.
8. The mass marriages of Chinese men to Bahamian women.
N.B. (This is the reason the founding fathers sought to make the automatic citizenship for foreign husbands of Bahamian women, illegal. It was not intended to disadvantage Bahamian women marrying foreign men; it was to stop the influx of foreign men and situation such as this to the detriment of the nation’s sovereignty and Culture.)
Read the story below to get a full grasp of what is expected and planned by the Chinese government for the Bahamas.....NOW!!!!!
China is Ready to Take Control of The Bahamas - June 20th 2016
The Chinese Government Hedges Bet in Bahamian Politics - Part Two
By S. Ali McIntosh, Servant Leader
Editors Note - First published May 24th, 2016
Part one of this communication has been published in November 2015 and April 2016 - On this same page. This is a continuation of the revelation of China’s plans for your Bahamaland. It is an excerpt from my book, that paints the picture and shows the intrigue, spread across three nations.
This new revelation on Friday past, that the 'CCA' may already be the new owners of BAHA-Mar Resorts on Cable Beach is no surprise to me; as it was the original intent of the Chinese government to use the project to place a foot-hold in Nassau's tourism product.
Excerpt from my upcoming book, ‘The Making of Ali"
Vision of Chinese Influence ( Summer of 2011)
Several days later, my sister Jean who lives in the United States and I was in a conversation on the telephone. I was at home. I began to share with her the vision I had regarding the ‘Gateway Project’ scheduled for New Providence to be financed by the People’s Republic of China. This conversation jogged her memory, so she shared with me a vision she had in November of 2010, relating to the same issue. When she began to tell me her vision, I had to explain to her what she had seen concerning the Bahamas.
She said, in her vision she heard several men speaking Mandarin. They were talking about the intended visit of the ‘Bahamian Premier’ to China. While they were speaking Mandarin, she could hear the spirit of the Lord interpreting to her in English what they were saying in Mandarin. He told her that they were members of the government of the People’s Republic of China. The men were talking of their plans to ‘hoodwink’ the Bahamian government, when the Bahamian Premier comes for his visit.
In the vision, they were talking about a specific Contract, the BAHA-MAR Development on Cable Beach; and the plans that had been previously agreed upon to send Chinese workers to the Bahamas to work on the project, at a ratio of five to one. They intended to double it and send ten to one.
Then she saw two other scenarios. The first scene was the dockside with shipping containers. The second scene was the construction site of a large building in progress. And as she looked between the two scenes, she saw the crane lifting two things from the container port at the dock, to be placed on the building site. She saw containers, and she saw ten by ten (10 ft x 10 ft) block slabs. And while she saw no people on the ground at both sites, every time the crane took the container from the dock to the building site, she saw more people on the building. Likewise, every time the crane put the block on the building site, she saw things she didn’t recognize in the blocks. However, she heard the word ‘Contraband.’
Jean said, as the spirit continued to interpret to her the scenes, she began to see the island of New Providence and Paradise Island crowded with people. There was so many Chinese people on the islands, that it appeared that the two islands would sink. While she was looking at this new scene, she could still hear the men talking about the plan to take over the Bahamas.
They were saying that it was their intent to import many Chinese nationals into the Bahamas through the illegal means of human smuggling. Their second plan was to encourage the Chinese men to sexually engage many Bahamian young women to get them pregnant or marry them. This plan was to facilitate their long term agenda, by both the process of over population and procreation.
As this plan was being forwarded, Jean said she heard the spirit of the Lord said, ‘Made in the Bahamas, be no more.’
Then the spirit said to her, ‘If the people would pray, I would remove from off the land, every person who does not belong there.’
I had to interpret for her what she had seen, and indicate to her what was currently transpiring in the Bahamas as she spoke in the Summer of 2011.
I brought to her attention, the recent visit of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to the People’s Republic of China in November 2010, the same month of her dream. The Prime Minister’s visit to the government of the PRC was to negotiate and formalize the contract of workers to be engaged with the four-year building contract of the mega hotel resort BAHA-MAR. And that it was the stipulation of the China Import-Export Bank, (the financiers of the $2.1 billion loan to the Bahamian group of Sarkis Izmirillian); that the China Construction Corporation would be the Contractors, to bring in over eight (8000) thousand Chinese workers to facilitate the building of the mega resort; and that both companies are owned by the government of the People’s Republic of China.
I brought to her attention, that the construction of a full scale ‘Embassy of the People’s Republic of China’ was presently on the way on East Shirley Street, built almost exclusively by Chinese workers. Furthermore, an additional five major infrastructural projects in four different islands, airmarked to be funded by loans from the People’s Republic of China (PRC); which would ultimately bring the indebtedness of the Bahamas to the PRC to astronomical levels, if they were to be followed through. These projects would also commit even more Chinese workers.
Following my interpretation of her dream to her, I shared with her the dream I had only two days before we spoke, and the subsequent revelation concerning it.
I had seen in my vision, a building structure right outside the entrance to the Lynden Pindling International Airport, right where the roundabout is situated. The structure had walls but no roof. I was looking down onto it from above but from an south easterly direction.
Then I saw a blue satin fabric permeating throughout the entire building from the east and south, to the north and west, basically from the direction I was looking from. Based on what I was praying about the night before, the answer in the vision seemed to be more than what I had prayed about. So I said to the Lord in the vision, ‘I did not ask for all of that.’
The Spirit of the Lord immediately replied, ‘I know, but I have placed my Train in the structure, so you can come and take authority over it.’ (His Train -meaning his Expressed Presence of Shekinah Glory.)
As I awoke from the vision that night, I began to pray because of such a detailed vision I had seen. At that moment, the revelation knowledge began to be exposed to me.
The following is the revelation:-
The ‘Gateway Project’ has in its arsenal, the infrastructural mechanism to take control of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas by the People Republic of China. Its infrastructural scheme would be constructed from the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) to the College of the Bahamas (COB). This signifies from the entrance of the city (the airport), to the seat of Education (COB). These two points of origin and destination represents the most important aspect of any trajectory to move the country in its own direction. While these are physical points of origin and destination, the metaphysical of both represents the points of domination in the Bahamian psyche.
May I also mention, that included in this Gateway Project route, from origin to destination are seven (7-9) roundabouts, involving major intersections, leading to strategic points all across the island.
At that moment, the Holy Spirit revealed to me, that if we must take back control of the country, we must make these intersections, alternately focal locations of intercessions. He told me to tell the Bahamian people to make these roundabouts, spaces of prayers, going into the next few years, to squeeze the invasion of foreign aggressors from the island of New Providence and subsequently from the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I was convinced that Jean’s vision (which was seen almost five months before I saw my vision), spoke of the intent of the People’s Republic of China for the Bahamas, almost five years ago. And whereas, my own vision and the subsequent revelations, spoke concerning its implementation, and our subsequent counter to its execution.
Several things can results, if the vision is true, and the implementation is certain.
The Bahamas could see the development of the following going forward:-
In any case, some of these scenarios will create a horrendous social dilemma, while placing the immigration policy of the Bahamian government between a rock and hard place.
These were very troubling revelations for me. The knowledge of this information provided an even greater reflection for me, if this information were indeed true, and if someone knew that we knew what was transpiring in secret places. Remembering my phone was still under surveillance, I was now concerned as to what would happen next.
Excerpt from ‘The Making of Ali’ by S. Ali McIntosh 2016
In conclusion of this two-part communication, I trust that the Bahamian people know that strategic plans are already set in motion regarding their land and their lives. And the only way it will be counteracted will be upon their own decisions and their own actions.
God Bless & Keep Safe the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
S. Ali McIntosh,
Servant Leader of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
By S. Ali McIntosh, Servant Leader
Editors Note - First published May 24th, 2016
Part one of this communication has been published in November 2015 and April 2016 - On this same page. This is a continuation of the revelation of China’s plans for your Bahamaland. It is an excerpt from my book, that paints the picture and shows the intrigue, spread across three nations.
This new revelation on Friday past, that the 'CCA' may already be the new owners of BAHA-Mar Resorts on Cable Beach is no surprise to me; as it was the original intent of the Chinese government to use the project to place a foot-hold in Nassau's tourism product.
Excerpt from my upcoming book, ‘The Making of Ali"
Vision of Chinese Influence ( Summer of 2011)
Several days later, my sister Jean who lives in the United States and I was in a conversation on the telephone. I was at home. I began to share with her the vision I had regarding the ‘Gateway Project’ scheduled for New Providence to be financed by the People’s Republic of China. This conversation jogged her memory, so she shared with me a vision she had in November of 2010, relating to the same issue. When she began to tell me her vision, I had to explain to her what she had seen concerning the Bahamas.
She said, in her vision she heard several men speaking Mandarin. They were talking about the intended visit of the ‘Bahamian Premier’ to China. While they were speaking Mandarin, she could hear the spirit of the Lord interpreting to her in English what they were saying in Mandarin. He told her that they were members of the government of the People’s Republic of China. The men were talking of their plans to ‘hoodwink’ the Bahamian government, when the Bahamian Premier comes for his visit.
In the vision, they were talking about a specific Contract, the BAHA-MAR Development on Cable Beach; and the plans that had been previously agreed upon to send Chinese workers to the Bahamas to work on the project, at a ratio of five to one. They intended to double it and send ten to one.
Then she saw two other scenarios. The first scene was the dockside with shipping containers. The second scene was the construction site of a large building in progress. And as she looked between the two scenes, she saw the crane lifting two things from the container port at the dock, to be placed on the building site. She saw containers, and she saw ten by ten (10 ft x 10 ft) block slabs. And while she saw no people on the ground at both sites, every time the crane took the container from the dock to the building site, she saw more people on the building. Likewise, every time the crane put the block on the building site, she saw things she didn’t recognize in the blocks. However, she heard the word ‘Contraband.’
Jean said, as the spirit continued to interpret to her the scenes, she began to see the island of New Providence and Paradise Island crowded with people. There was so many Chinese people on the islands, that it appeared that the two islands would sink. While she was looking at this new scene, she could still hear the men talking about the plan to take over the Bahamas.
They were saying that it was their intent to import many Chinese nationals into the Bahamas through the illegal means of human smuggling. Their second plan was to encourage the Chinese men to sexually engage many Bahamian young women to get them pregnant or marry them. This plan was to facilitate their long term agenda, by both the process of over population and procreation.
As this plan was being forwarded, Jean said she heard the spirit of the Lord said, ‘Made in the Bahamas, be no more.’
Then the spirit said to her, ‘If the people would pray, I would remove from off the land, every person who does not belong there.’
I had to interpret for her what she had seen, and indicate to her what was currently transpiring in the Bahamas as she spoke in the Summer of 2011.
I brought to her attention, the recent visit of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to the People’s Republic of China in November 2010, the same month of her dream. The Prime Minister’s visit to the government of the PRC was to negotiate and formalize the contract of workers to be engaged with the four-year building contract of the mega hotel resort BAHA-MAR. And that it was the stipulation of the China Import-Export Bank, (the financiers of the $2.1 billion loan to the Bahamian group of Sarkis Izmirillian); that the China Construction Corporation would be the Contractors, to bring in over eight (8000) thousand Chinese workers to facilitate the building of the mega resort; and that both companies are owned by the government of the People’s Republic of China.
I brought to her attention, that the construction of a full scale ‘Embassy of the People’s Republic of China’ was presently on the way on East Shirley Street, built almost exclusively by Chinese workers. Furthermore, an additional five major infrastructural projects in four different islands, airmarked to be funded by loans from the People’s Republic of China (PRC); which would ultimately bring the indebtedness of the Bahamas to the PRC to astronomical levels, if they were to be followed through. These projects would also commit even more Chinese workers.
Following my interpretation of her dream to her, I shared with her the dream I had only two days before we spoke, and the subsequent revelation concerning it.
I had seen in my vision, a building structure right outside the entrance to the Lynden Pindling International Airport, right where the roundabout is situated. The structure had walls but no roof. I was looking down onto it from above but from an south easterly direction.
Then I saw a blue satin fabric permeating throughout the entire building from the east and south, to the north and west, basically from the direction I was looking from. Based on what I was praying about the night before, the answer in the vision seemed to be more than what I had prayed about. So I said to the Lord in the vision, ‘I did not ask for all of that.’
The Spirit of the Lord immediately replied, ‘I know, but I have placed my Train in the structure, so you can come and take authority over it.’ (His Train -meaning his Expressed Presence of Shekinah Glory.)
As I awoke from the vision that night, I began to pray because of such a detailed vision I had seen. At that moment, the revelation knowledge began to be exposed to me.
The following is the revelation:-
The ‘Gateway Project’ has in its arsenal, the infrastructural mechanism to take control of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas by the People Republic of China. Its infrastructural scheme would be constructed from the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) to the College of the Bahamas (COB). This signifies from the entrance of the city (the airport), to the seat of Education (COB). These two points of origin and destination represents the most important aspect of any trajectory to move the country in its own direction. While these are physical points of origin and destination, the metaphysical of both represents the points of domination in the Bahamian psyche.
May I also mention, that included in this Gateway Project route, from origin to destination are seven (7-9) roundabouts, involving major intersections, leading to strategic points all across the island.
At that moment, the Holy Spirit revealed to me, that if we must take back control of the country, we must make these intersections, alternately focal locations of intercessions. He told me to tell the Bahamian people to make these roundabouts, spaces of prayers, going into the next few years, to squeeze the invasion of foreign aggressors from the island of New Providence and subsequently from the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I was convinced that Jean’s vision (which was seen almost five months before I saw my vision), spoke of the intent of the People’s Republic of China for the Bahamas, almost five years ago. And whereas, my own vision and the subsequent revelations, spoke concerning its implementation, and our subsequent counter to its execution.
Several things can results, if the vision is true, and the implementation is certain.
The Bahamas could see the development of the following going forward:-
- The overcrowding of the Bahamian society with the aggression of Chinese cultures.
- The demoralization of the Bahamian worker,
- The demoralization of the Bahamian men,
- The cross pollination of the next generation of Bahamians.
- Either make fatherless children when foreign men are to return to China and leave children with Bahamian women behind;
- Or create an immigration nightmare to issue ‘residential status' to many Chinese fathers and husbands to accommodate the parenting of Bahamian children en masse.
- The marriages of Chinese men to Bahamian women. N.B. (This is the reason the founding fathers sought to make the automatic citizenship for foreign men illegal. It was not intended to disadvantage Bahamian women marrying foreign men; it was to stop the influx of foreign men and situation such as this to the detriment of the nation’s sovereignty and culture.)
In any case, some of these scenarios will create a horrendous social dilemma, while placing the immigration policy of the Bahamian government between a rock and hard place.
These were very troubling revelations for me. The knowledge of this information provided an even greater reflection for me, if this information were indeed true, and if someone knew that we knew what was transpiring in secret places. Remembering my phone was still under surveillance, I was now concerned as to what would happen next.
Excerpt from ‘The Making of Ali’ by S. Ali McIntosh 2016
In conclusion of this two-part communication, I trust that the Bahamian people know that strategic plans are already set in motion regarding their land and their lives. And the only way it will be counteracted will be upon their own decisions and their own actions.
God Bless & Keep Safe the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
S. Ali McIntosh,
Servant Leader of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Editorial Note - April 6th, 2016
by S. Ali McIntosh
The Chinese has Taken A Stake in the Political Life of the Bahamas
I am re-running the article below, because based on our Breaking News Now Section, the vision is about to come to fruition. Information coming onto my desk within the last 24-36 hours has revealed the soon emergence of a new political party onto the political stage, with heavy funding by operatives of the Chinese government.
While this may not seemed strange to some, because Chinese money has made its way into Bahamian politics before. However, this new arrangement makes former donations seemed pale in comparison to the proposed marriage with China and the new Bahamian political organization. This arrangement is like 'playing for keeps'. Therefore, the concern as to whether this is just some donations to a political party, you better think again.
This is what the Chinese call 'Hedging your bet" or 'Boxing your number'. Any which way they win, or have a stake in this economy and the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Read the story below, that was was first published November 18th, 2015.
Read the news now at BREAKING NEWS NOW! Click Here
November 18th, 2015
The Chinese Government Hedges Its Bet in Bahamian Politics - Part 1
By S. Ali McIntosh,
Servant Leader for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas (Article Written November 9th, 2015)
As I reflected on the recent events leading up to the October 29th 2015 Supreme Court decision to approve the Receivership request, and foreclose on the $2.45 Billion dollars Mortgage between Investor Sarkis Izmirlian and the China EXIM Bank; I am forced to consider the ramifications of what this all mean for the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I am minded to consider, that despite all the developments we can see transpiring in the Bahamas regarding the financing of the mega Baha Mar Resorts, and the subsequent influx of Chinese investments in the Bahamas; that there is far more transpiring behind the scenes, than those made plain before our eyes.
On Monday morning November 2nd, I was made more aware of those things, when I was given a vision that brought to light the infiltration of the People’s Republic of China into the economic and political life of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
While strategists and operatives for China is very much at work on the local scene attempting to ease our fears about China’s looming presence here; I believe that the strategy is far greater and far more reaching than you can imagine.
In the vision on November 2nd , I heard the spirit of the Lord said to me,
‘Your time has ran out. You have run out of time.’
As I contemplated about what the Lord was saying, I came to realized that I was sitting in a room at a large circular table, like the setting at a UN-sponsored conference. Sitting next to me was a lady I knew most of my life, whose name was Donella. She had just taken her seat at the table.
Then I realized that she was the head of a new political party, and this was her new reveal. Her party was fully staffed with super-star candidates, and fully backed and financed by her new husband. When I looked at her name on the tablet, I could read her first name, but her second name was difficult to pronounce.
In fact, the letters in the name was jumbled up, I could not even understand them. It was Asian lettering. So I took my hands and scattered the letters out of the order it was in, scattering them off the tablet.
As I looked at what was achieved in the launched of this new party, I realized that the Bahamas Constitution Party had certainly, ‘Ran Out of Time’ as a third party option.
I got up from the table and retreated to the lobby outside the room. In frustration, I began hitting my hand on the small coffee table. I must have hit my hand on the table about three times, when I discovered underneath the magazine on the table was a Bible. I took the Bible in my hand as it slipped from under the magazines, and I awoke from the dream.
When I awoke, it was still early, before 5 am. I immediately went into prayer, crying unto God regarding the implications of a Chinese man marrying a Bahamian woman to contest a General Election in the Bahamas.
As I inquired regarding his Sovereignty in all this, the Lord began to speak to me, the following things:-
1. Not because I saw a woman, it means a woman. It simply means a Marriage.
2. The Marriage of a Bahamian organization to a Foreign organization.
3. A black face, a Bahamian name, but a foreign provider.
4. A foreign husband means, it will have ‘ the production of foreign offspring.’
I was still contemplating on another political party pushing the struggling agenda of the BCP further down the list, when the Lord spoke again.
‘It was the reason why, the China EXIM Bank had to force Baha Mar into Receivership early’.
He noted that the decision could not wait until the end of the month, as was suggested by the Prime Minister for the Supreme Court’s ruling re-scheduled for November 25th.
The Lord indicated, that the Receivership for the mega resort BahaMar had to take place before the reveal of the political party, least there were any unforeseen complications.
I was baffled by this revelations of a new political party engagement by the Chinese. Quite like me, many believe and are still contemplating those speculations of the Christie's Administration’s adamant support for the People’s Republic of China financial investments in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas; to the compromise and detriment of our own national Sovereignty.
As I continued to consider this, the Lord introduce to me the term, ‘Hedging their bet’.
Notwithstanding our perceptions of the previous and present administration’s involvement with Red China; the Lord made me to understand that the Chinese government has pushed their card further, to give their negotiations and stake into the politics of the Bahamian nation a sure win, with a political party, whose entire agenda would facilitate the continued influx of investments from the People’s Republic of China into the economy of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I am certain, this seem an outlandish speculation, that the People’s Republic of China would hedge its bet to engage all stakeholders in the political life of the nation, to secure its own stake in our economy.
Nonetheless, on November 1st, I returned home from a weekend Prayer Retreat to my computer to find a LinkedIn request from a Manager in the Accounts Department of the Chinese Construction Bank in Beijing, China, seeking to be connected to me.
My fellow Bahamians, we have run out of time. Not just the Bahamas Constitution Party, it is the Commonwealth of the Bahamas that has run out of time.
All systems are go for the take-over of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and before the month of November is out, the revelation of an entire slate of candidates that have married the Enemy, shall be revealed.
It was my intent to reveal this matter on November 2nd on my weekly talk show appearance on The Conversation , but I hesitated, knowing the ramification for my own security.
If I may editorialize and pontificate for just a few minutes.
The question, What does the People Republic of China wants with the Commonwealth of the Bahamas?
The answer, The Chinese government wants the Bahamas to be the model for what it looks like when China takes over a country in the west.
It seems simple enough, right? However, Part Two of this article series will paint the picture and shows the intrigue, spread across three countries. That story is told in Part 2 in this series.
God Bless & Keep Safe the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
S. Ali McIntosh,
Servant Leader, The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
The Chinese Government Hedges Its Bet in Bahamian Politics - Part 1
By S. Ali McIntosh,
Servant Leader for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas (Article Written November 9th, 2015)
As I reflected on the recent events leading up to the October 29th 2015 Supreme Court decision to approve the Receivership request, and foreclose on the $2.45 Billion dollars Mortgage between Investor Sarkis Izmirlian and the China EXIM Bank; I am forced to consider the ramifications of what this all mean for the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I am minded to consider, that despite all the developments we can see transpiring in the Bahamas regarding the financing of the mega Baha Mar Resorts, and the subsequent influx of Chinese investments in the Bahamas; that there is far more transpiring behind the scenes, than those made plain before our eyes.
On Monday morning November 2nd, I was made more aware of those things, when I was given a vision that brought to light the infiltration of the People’s Republic of China into the economic and political life of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
While strategists and operatives for China is very much at work on the local scene attempting to ease our fears about China’s looming presence here; I believe that the strategy is far greater and far more reaching than you can imagine.
In the vision on November 2nd , I heard the spirit of the Lord said to me,
‘Your time has ran out. You have run out of time.’
As I contemplated about what the Lord was saying, I came to realized that I was sitting in a room at a large circular table, like the setting at a UN-sponsored conference. Sitting next to me was a lady I knew most of my life, whose name was Donella. She had just taken her seat at the table.
Then I realized that she was the head of a new political party, and this was her new reveal. Her party was fully staffed with super-star candidates, and fully backed and financed by her new husband. When I looked at her name on the tablet, I could read her first name, but her second name was difficult to pronounce.
In fact, the letters in the name was jumbled up, I could not even understand them. It was Asian lettering. So I took my hands and scattered the letters out of the order it was in, scattering them off the tablet.
As I looked at what was achieved in the launched of this new party, I realized that the Bahamas Constitution Party had certainly, ‘Ran Out of Time’ as a third party option.
I got up from the table and retreated to the lobby outside the room. In frustration, I began hitting my hand on the small coffee table. I must have hit my hand on the table about three times, when I discovered underneath the magazine on the table was a Bible. I took the Bible in my hand as it slipped from under the magazines, and I awoke from the dream.
When I awoke, it was still early, before 5 am. I immediately went into prayer, crying unto God regarding the implications of a Chinese man marrying a Bahamian woman to contest a General Election in the Bahamas.
As I inquired regarding his Sovereignty in all this, the Lord began to speak to me, the following things:-
1. Not because I saw a woman, it means a woman. It simply means a Marriage.
2. The Marriage of a Bahamian organization to a Foreign organization.
3. A black face, a Bahamian name, but a foreign provider.
4. A foreign husband means, it will have ‘ the production of foreign offspring.’
I was still contemplating on another political party pushing the struggling agenda of the BCP further down the list, when the Lord spoke again.
‘It was the reason why, the China EXIM Bank had to force Baha Mar into Receivership early’.
He noted that the decision could not wait until the end of the month, as was suggested by the Prime Minister for the Supreme Court’s ruling re-scheduled for November 25th.
The Lord indicated, that the Receivership for the mega resort BahaMar had to take place before the reveal of the political party, least there were any unforeseen complications.
I was baffled by this revelations of a new political party engagement by the Chinese. Quite like me, many believe and are still contemplating those speculations of the Christie's Administration’s adamant support for the People’s Republic of China financial investments in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas; to the compromise and detriment of our own national Sovereignty.
As I continued to consider this, the Lord introduce to me the term, ‘Hedging their bet’.
Notwithstanding our perceptions of the previous and present administration’s involvement with Red China; the Lord made me to understand that the Chinese government has pushed their card further, to give their negotiations and stake into the politics of the Bahamian nation a sure win, with a political party, whose entire agenda would facilitate the continued influx of investments from the People’s Republic of China into the economy of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I am certain, this seem an outlandish speculation, that the People’s Republic of China would hedge its bet to engage all stakeholders in the political life of the nation, to secure its own stake in our economy.
Nonetheless, on November 1st, I returned home from a weekend Prayer Retreat to my computer to find a LinkedIn request from a Manager in the Accounts Department of the Chinese Construction Bank in Beijing, China, seeking to be connected to me.
My fellow Bahamians, we have run out of time. Not just the Bahamas Constitution Party, it is the Commonwealth of the Bahamas that has run out of time.
All systems are go for the take-over of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and before the month of November is out, the revelation of an entire slate of candidates that have married the Enemy, shall be revealed.
It was my intent to reveal this matter on November 2nd on my weekly talk show appearance on The Conversation , but I hesitated, knowing the ramification for my own security.
If I may editorialize and pontificate for just a few minutes.
The question, What does the People Republic of China wants with the Commonwealth of the Bahamas?
The answer, The Chinese government wants the Bahamas to be the model for what it looks like when China takes over a country in the west.
It seems simple enough, right? However, Part Two of this article series will paint the picture and shows the intrigue, spread across three countries. That story is told in Part 2 in this series.
God Bless & Keep Safe the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
S. Ali McIntosh,
Servant Leader, The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
The Mother of the New Bahamas - March 20th, 2016
Eighteen (18) years ago, on February 26th, in the matrix of political absurdity, I conceived in my civic womb the embryo of Hope for Bahamaland –the Bahamas Constitution Party. It was a divine calling, a righteous mandate spoken to me in a basement apartment in Northwest Washington DC.
Four months earlier, I was given the instruction by the Holy Spirit to go to Washington, and there he would speak to me concerning the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. And certainly, as he had declared it, seventeen (17) days after I arrived, God did make known to me, the state of the nation; and the avenue by which we shall return to righteous governance – perceived and projected by the founders of the modern Bahamas.
Amidst a nation of male leaders who had walked away from the true tenets of good governance, and the original intent of the founders’ initial philosophy for nationhood; I was given ‘BCP-Hope’ to provide a cradle for the security of the future of the nation, and the preservation of the next generation of Bahamians.
Initially, like Mary, it appeared that there was no father for the baby conceived in my womb. Nonetheless, I had to still submit myself to the process of the pregnancy, in order to give birth to a new day in Bahamian politics, projected then for sometime in the future.
In the interim, I first had to suffer the indignities of a society who wanted to abort the embryonic life growing inside of me, so that the idea of hope for the future did not materialize. It was the intent of those Abortionists, to scratch the fetus from the walls of my womb, and throw it in the dumpsters where dreams, ideas and futures are cast away.
When not many people believed, and many more had fears about entertaining such an idea, I was given the opportunity all those years ago, to give birth to the baby ‘BCP-Hope’. And under the prophetic eye and insightful wisdom of the midwife Pastor Dr Jane White, and one Bishop Ross Davis, who allow us to go into his barn, and use his manger at Golden Gates Assembly Church, we officially christened BCP-Hope on that beautiful starry night on May 14th 1999.
I remembered so vividly the rejoicing of the youth that night, and the comforting words of the young shepherd, Apostle Clifford Smith. He brought glad tidings from the angels, who spoke of the future of baby ‘BCP-Hope’ – that he would grow up one day to be a man, to govern Bahamaland in righteousness and in peace.
This young shepherd proclaimed in solemn praise with prophetic utterance that night, that this day would come; when the Bahamian people will have to fight for their freedom, and those who would be in authority would pierce them with iron thorns and give them sorrow. However, the assurances were, when these days come upon us, the Lord himself will raise up a people to stand up and fight for the security of the nation. These people will be led by the baby christened that night – BCP HOPE.
Now a man, BCP-Hope is prepared to ‘Stand and Serve’ to bring the nation back to its former glory and its original dream for the Bahamian people, conceived by the founders, more than half a century ago.
The pledge of Good governance promised at the inception of the nation would be fulfilled in governance by ‘BCP-Hope’. This righteous agenda will put an end to the political skullduggery, filibustering and shenanigans, that sway the Bahamian people from the FNM to the PLP, back to the FNM and back to the PLP; in an attempt to only keep power between themselves, without ever fully empowering the Bahamian masses. It is their trick to bring the Bahamians masses back into post-slavery colonialism, for the benefit of the foreign element and the local Colonialists, whose political power and stronghold was lost at the birth of this new nation, during the fight for Majority Rule and Independence in the 1960’s and early 1970’s.
It was the Father of the Nation, the late Sir Lynden Pindling, whose work was conceived in me – with the child BCP-Hope. It was his love child –the child of his old age.
It was the seed of his dream to bring the Bahamian people to greatness, that help to conceive baby BCP-Hope. And without doubt – the BCP-Hope has the exact DNA, and the very essence of the dream and work of the man, the founding father of the nation, the late Sir Lynden Pindling, who was raised up by God in the 1960’s to lead the charge to bring the Bahamian masses to political deliverance and economic freedom.
He knew, and he said to me, that the PLP had failed the Bahamian people, and did not know how to get back to where they needed to be, because they were already lost and delusional.
He knew, and he said to me, that the FNM was not prepared to even go in that direction, because they too were already sold-out to the forces prepared to take the Bahamian people back to economic deprivation.
He knew, and he said to me …’Nurture this baby, Care for this child …and in time he will be grown enough to carry out the dream to keep the Bahamian people free; and to follow upon their Righteous agenda…to create this Righteous government, with one objective, to FREE the Bahamian People, and keep them Free!'
I am the Mother of the man child BCP-Hope. And I wish to announce to you today… that the dream of Sir Lynden Pindling is his father.
The BCP-Hope is a God given dream, a God sanctioned agenda for the Bahamian people … And now, my son BCP-Hope is here to Serve, and deliver the Bahamian people again, to economic freedom and political empowerment - This time, not as one man, but ‘One People United in Love and Service.’
My son, the Bahamas Constitution Party, is the new successor to leadership in the Bahamaland. He embodies the Dream of all the Founding fathers and mothers, and their Wish, and their Hope, and their Original Intent, and their Pledge; that Good Governance would be employed to empower the Bahamian people and protect them from BONDAGE & SLAVERY, DEPRIVATION, FRUSTRATION AND EXPLOITATION.
The BCP has no other agenda except the Bahamian people and fulfilling this Pledge of Empowerment, First promised and Never delivered!
I am the Mother of the New Bahamas ……. And quite like the thousands of single mothers in this country, I had to raise my Son alone with No Father….. Only a Dream! But we survived!
And now, I take this time to call all my surrogate children – All my Sons and my Daughters, to Rise Up Now and Take back the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
- Back from the hands of those who have failed to hold up the Founders’ Pledge and dream
- Back from the hands of those who have partnered with the foreign elements and the enemy to take your inheritance and your land,
- Back from the hands of those who are prepared to continue business as usual with the status quo.
It is time Now to fight for the nation… Fight for the Soul of the Nation!
It is in you, my sons and my daughters - The true heirs and successors to all the Bahamian hopes and dreams. And it can and will only be facilitated, by and through the vehicle of the Bahamas Constitution Party.
Come take your seat at the Table ….Together we will take back the Bahamas for the Bahamian masses, and secure their future and this Bahamaland for the benefit of all Bahamians.
In closing, I wish to borrow a phrase from Deborah the Prophetess in the book of Judges, which I have paraphrased for this occasion, “ The real pure values of the Bahamian lifestyle ceased, until I, Ali McIntosh arose, a Mother in the Nation.”
The Bahamas Constitution Party is the Only Hope for the Bahamaland!
The Battle has Began ....... Who Will Win The Fight For The Territory of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas?
Published December 15th 2015
The spiritual contention and battle for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas has unofficially began. The attempt to squash the Servant Leader -Sharell Ali McIntosh, is now in full operation by the political operatives of Prime Minister Perry Christie and the PLP.
The powers-that-be has already dispatched its spiritual forces to seize and maintain control over the Territories of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, by all means necessary; and has made it a determination of theirs, to annihilate all forces that will not submit to its continued domination.
Having acknowledgement, regarding the severity of the fight to transpire in the earth realm within the coming months, concerning these territories; the Heavenly realm has already made preparation to respond, and to defend those who love the Lord and his people; and have determined to join the fight against corruption in this nation.
This upcoming general election battle will set the standard to echo Truth, to secure Justice, to showcase Integrity and implement good governance; while securing the protection and the provision for the Bahamian people.
The Archangel Michael (photo inset) has already been dispatched to lead out in this battle for the salvation of the nation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Everyone must make a decision to join the fight on Heaven's side of this battle or against Heaven's forces.
"Archangel Michael's aura color is a royal purple that's so bright, it looks like cobalt blue. ...” ( Read more on Archangel Michael at the Link - )
The royal blue, the colour of the Bahamas Constitution Party (BCP) invokes the favour and accompaniment of the Archangel Michael, by the very nature of its colour symbol.
During the past few days, the Archangel Michael has made himself known, so that all who shall stand for Righteousness and Justice on behalf of the Bahamian people, may be assured that this battle is accompanied by Heavenly warriors.
Archangel Micheal doth now walk, and is accompanying the Servant Leader - Sharell Ali McIntosh, for the fight that lies immediately before her and those who will fight for the nation, against Tyranny.
* NOW NOW YE THEREFORE, that whatsoever you do to her and those who war on the side of Heaven's battle, will be Returned to you in kind.
* Do her Good, Good will be return to You!
* Do Her bad, and the same will be return.
* If you work to destroy her, then Destruction shall be your end!
* Do not disturb her work, and yours work will be unhindered.
* It Is Your Call!
This is a Righteous Agenda! And Angelic Forces Are Already At Work!
Delegated Authority For The Nation
It is the command to those who chooses to fight on the side of right to,
‘Quit yourselves like men, and Stand Like the Brave.’
It is said that 'Evil Prevail, when good men and women do nothing!'
So, for all those who will make themselves available to fight against Evil and Tyranny, you must be strong, and take no bribe for the journey. This will be important to note. For the very hosts of Heaven are on our side, led by the Archangel Michael from the presence of Yahweh Elohim, the Almighty God.
On May 1st 2011, the Delegated Authority for the Territories of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas had been So Ordered to ‘Change Hands’ to those would shall take care of the ‘Inhabitants, Heirs and Successors of these Family of Islands’, with the wealth and natural resources contained in this Region.
However, the mission was not accomplished, as those who came forth to seek political office to ‘Rule the Land and Govern the People’, sold the birthright of the remaining citizens, to receive their own personal advantage and benefits, comparable only to the weight of ‘ 30-Pieces of Silver’ - a Traitor's reward.
On August 23rd 2015, the same Heavenly decree has been Re-Declared for the final attempt of the Salvation of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. If men and women of Principles and Integrity are not found to ‘Defend the Rights of all the Citizens of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the nation will be annihilated. The nation will be lost. The principals of the founding fathers would fall to the ground and vanish like chaff in the wind.
Today, I am Calling all Men and Women of Honour to ‘Prepare Yourself to Fight for the Nation. This is our final opportunity. There will be no more fight…. This is our last chance to Save the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
You must rise and fight for your Sons and for your Daughters!
You must fight for your Grandchildren, and those who are yet unborn!
You must fight for your land! You Must Fight for your Inheritance.
The attempt to squash the Servant Leader - Ali McIntosh and those who stands with her…has marked the beginning for The Battle for Bahamaland. This 'fight' will mark the place where the Battle will End.
God Bless and Keep Safe the Commonwealth of The Bahamaland.
S. Ali McIntosh, The Servant Leader
Written Monday, December 7th 2015
The spiritual contention and battle for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas has unofficially began. The attempt to squash the Servant Leader -Sharell Ali McIntosh, is now in full operation by the political operatives of Prime Minister Perry Christie and the PLP.
The powers-that-be has already dispatched its spiritual forces to seize and maintain control over the Territories of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, by all means necessary; and has made it a determination of theirs, to annihilate all forces that will not submit to its continued domination.
Having acknowledgement, regarding the severity of the fight to transpire in the earth realm within the coming months, concerning these territories; the Heavenly realm has already made preparation to respond, and to defend those who love the Lord and his people; and have determined to join the fight against corruption in this nation.
This upcoming general election battle will set the standard to echo Truth, to secure Justice, to showcase Integrity and implement good governance; while securing the protection and the provision for the Bahamian people.
The Archangel Michael (photo inset) has already been dispatched to lead out in this battle for the salvation of the nation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Everyone must make a decision to join the fight on Heaven's side of this battle or against Heaven's forces.
"Archangel Michael's aura color is a royal purple that's so bright, it looks like cobalt blue. ...” ( Read more on Archangel Michael at the Link - )
The royal blue, the colour of the Bahamas Constitution Party (BCP) invokes the favour and accompaniment of the Archangel Michael, by the very nature of its colour symbol.
During the past few days, the Archangel Michael has made himself known, so that all who shall stand for Righteousness and Justice on behalf of the Bahamian people, may be assured that this battle is accompanied by Heavenly warriors.
Archangel Micheal doth now walk, and is accompanying the Servant Leader - Sharell Ali McIntosh, for the fight that lies immediately before her and those who will fight for the nation, against Tyranny.
* NOW NOW YE THEREFORE, that whatsoever you do to her and those who war on the side of Heaven's battle, will be Returned to you in kind.
* Do her Good, Good will be return to You!
* Do Her bad, and the same will be return.
* If you work to destroy her, then Destruction shall be your end!
* Do not disturb her work, and yours work will be unhindered.
* It Is Your Call!
This is a Righteous Agenda! And Angelic Forces Are Already At Work!
Delegated Authority For The Nation
It is the command to those who chooses to fight on the side of right to,
‘Quit yourselves like men, and Stand Like the Brave.’
It is said that 'Evil Prevail, when good men and women do nothing!'
So, for all those who will make themselves available to fight against Evil and Tyranny, you must be strong, and take no bribe for the journey. This will be important to note. For the very hosts of Heaven are on our side, led by the Archangel Michael from the presence of Yahweh Elohim, the Almighty God.
On May 1st 2011, the Delegated Authority for the Territories of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas had been So Ordered to ‘Change Hands’ to those would shall take care of the ‘Inhabitants, Heirs and Successors of these Family of Islands’, with the wealth and natural resources contained in this Region.
However, the mission was not accomplished, as those who came forth to seek political office to ‘Rule the Land and Govern the People’, sold the birthright of the remaining citizens, to receive their own personal advantage and benefits, comparable only to the weight of ‘ 30-Pieces of Silver’ - a Traitor's reward.
On August 23rd 2015, the same Heavenly decree has been Re-Declared for the final attempt of the Salvation of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. If men and women of Principles and Integrity are not found to ‘Defend the Rights of all the Citizens of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the nation will be annihilated. The nation will be lost. The principals of the founding fathers would fall to the ground and vanish like chaff in the wind.
Today, I am Calling all Men and Women of Honour to ‘Prepare Yourself to Fight for the Nation. This is our final opportunity. There will be no more fight…. This is our last chance to Save the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
You must rise and fight for your Sons and for your Daughters!
You must fight for your Grandchildren, and those who are yet unborn!
You must fight for your land! You Must Fight for your Inheritance.
The attempt to squash the Servant Leader - Ali McIntosh and those who stands with her…has marked the beginning for The Battle for Bahamaland. This 'fight' will mark the place where the Battle will End.
God Bless and Keep Safe the Commonwealth of The Bahamaland.
S. Ali McIntosh, The Servant Leader
Written Monday, December 7th 2015